Province id victoria 2
Province id victoria 2

Prestige "XXX" - Gives XXX prestige to player Plurality "XXX" - Sets XXX Plurality Level from 1% to 100%

province id victoria 2 province id victoria 2

Militancy - Sets high militancy for pops at location and specified ideology. Leadership "XXX" - Gives XXX leadership points to the player. Leaderprestige(lprestige) - Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location. Inc - Short version of instantconstruction. Goods "XXX" - Gives XXX goods to player plus the same amount of money (Warning: large amount of goods lead to economical problems.)

province id victoria 2

effect won't disappear till reset game, unknown if AI is effected.ĭebug researchpoints - rpoints ĭebug yesmen - The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players.Įlection - Starts common elections right now. need +50% of the upper-house favorable of reforms. (any misspelling=crash)Ĭhangeowner - Change the current owner of to the TAG specified.Ĭonquerall - Set all enemy provinces under our control.ĭebug allmoney - Shows info for money transfers.ĭebug alwaysaddwargoal - Removes limits for wargoal.ĭebug alwaysdiplo - Makes diplomats endless.ĭebug alwaysreform - Eliminates the 1 month wait between reforms. Addresearch(addr) - Adds research at specified name.

Province id victoria 2